Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield

Founded in 1948, Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, is the largest health insurer in Arkansas. Arkansas Blue Cross and its family of affiliated companies have more than 3,200 employees.

For more than 75 years, Arkansas Blue Cross has been trusted by Arkansans for affordable, reliable insurance plans. Arkansas Blue Cross offers health and dental insurance policies for individuals and families who purchase their insurance directly as well as those whose insurance coverage is provided through their employer.

Arkansas Blue Cross offers a full portfolio of health management tools and resources designed to improve the health of our members, no matter where they fall on the care continuum from healthy to chronic to acutely ill.

Not-for-profit organization

Arkansas Blue Cross differs from commercial insurers in several ways. Arkansas Blue Cross is a not-for-profit mutual insurance company. That means that nearly all the money we collect as premium is paid out in benefits for customers — on the average, nearly 85 cents of every dollar. The remainder — about 15 cents of every dollar — is used for operating expenses and reserve funds, which we are required by law to maintain.

As a not-for-profit, mutual insurance company, Arkansas Blue Cross is owned by its policyholders, not by stockholders. This means that premium dollars are used solely to pay claims and administrative costs, not to pay stock dividends. Any excess funds are held in reserve for payment of future claims. Arkansas Blue Cross must maintain a fiscal balance between premium income and benefits paid to ensure that we have the ability to continue to offer these products and to pay policyholder claims in the future.