Dr. Rhonda Mattox
Physician, Speaker, Radio Host
Rhonda Mattox, MD is the President of the Arkansas Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association and the first psychiatrist to serve in that role in its 130-year history. She is a diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology who serves as an integrative behavioral health psychiatrist and consultant to federally qualified health centers and juvenile justice centers. Prior to that, Dr. Mattox was an Associate Professor with dual appointments in the Family Medicine and Psychiatry Departments at the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences where she served as an integrative behavioral health psychiatrist consultant and taught behavioral health to family medicine residents.
Dr. Rhonda’s medical and fellowship training from the National Institute of Mental Health, the University of California Los Angeles’ (UCLA) Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program, and the American Psychiatrist Association have led to her becoming one of the nation’s go-to consultants in healthcare. From Hollywood to Capitol Hill, Dr. Mattox has been behind the scenes consulting in medical media, research, state and national health policy. While teaching at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA), she began assisting New York and Hollywood’s award-winning writers and executive producers (from 902010; ER; Brothers and Sisters and other popular sitcoms) in the development of accurate, non-stigmatizing portrayals of mental illness within Hollywood’s storylines. Moreover, she has served as a content expert to state and federal agencies including Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the United States Health and Human Services (HHS). Likewise, she has been a health policy adviser to elected officials–including former Dean of the United States House of Representatives Congressman John Dingell III, longest serving member of the United States House of Representatives.
Dr. Mattox’s work at the intersection of medicine, media, and policy has launched her onto national speaking stages including platforms like the National Medical Association, American Public Health Association, and the American Psychiatry Association. Her expert commentary has been quoted in Forbes, Money, Newsweek, Huffington Post, and New York Times. Moreover, audiences have appreciated her quick wit and wise counsel as co-host and executive producer on shows ranging from the edgy “Ask the Doc” call-in radio show to Take 5 with the Physician. She now hosts REJOICE 103.3 and 105.5’s Impact Zone and has become a favorite on her weekly Facebook live entitled “I’m Not Crazy But. . . with Dr. Mattox.